37 Dane Rd., PO Box 165
Sheffield, VT 05866-0165
Phone (802) 626-8862
Fax (802) 626-0424
1847 - Sheffield Town House - 2004
1847 Sheffield Town House before Restoration.
1829 Freewill Baptist Church.
1929 Baptist Church
Richardson House 2009
Richardson Farm
Paquin Carriage Barn
Kivimae Farm
The Kivimae family of Estonia came to America from Germany after Word War II as refugees. Their arrival June 10, 1949 and immigration papers showed their destination Sutton, VT but the physical location was here in Sheffield.
The property, and road leading to it, was named for the first resident, Eddie Sheldon and wife Ada (Barber) Sheldon.
The house, not shown in photo, was built c.1900.
Ingalls Barn
Frost Home
Folsom Hotel
Dehaven Barn
Cassidy House
Greg Bryant Sears Barn
Raymond Berry Barn
George Berry Barn built 1903 by his father-in- law, Alvah Alonzo Gilman.
37 Dane Rd., PO Box 165
Sheffield, VT 05866-0165
Phone (802) 626-8862
Fax (802) 626-0424
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