Keniston & Dane Education Funds

Harry A. Keniston and Marion K. Dane, brother and sister and educators, first established an educational trust fund on August 31st 1964. The purpose of the funds is (1) "to assist in the post-secondary education of [eligible] Wheelock and Sheffield..." students and (2) to provide certain funds "the the graded school...of the Towns of Sheffield and Wheelock to be used for special out-of-the-ordinary projects...connected with"...such school.

The select boards from Sheffield and Wheelock were appointed trustees and the town clerks from the two towns were appointed administrators of the Trust in 1991.

Each year, eligible post-secondary students and students attending the Miller's Run School receive monies from the Fund. In the fall of 1994, thirty post-secondary students benefitted from the Fund. In the spring of 2014, 24 post-secondary students benefitted.

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